Go Sample: Link Checker

You should have heard about Go, Google's new language. To be honest, it is one of the ugliest languages I've ever used (I mean among the ones not designed to be ugly); but it's interesting enough, and I decided to teach myself some.

Here's the result of a few hrs of reading, searching, coding, reading again and coding: an (almost) port of Josh Marshall's Python URL Link Checker. It doesn't support checking local files, but has a nice -v switch which lets you see all processed URLs. So far, programming Go felt a bit like programming C++. Also, Go links the code statically at the moment, which results in an executable of size 1.2MB for 64bit Linux. (DISCLAIMER: the following program is a toy, don't use it for anything serious)

package main

import "fmt"
import "http"
import "os"
import "bytes"
import "regexp"
import "strings"
import "container/vector"
import "flag"

// from Go tutorial
func Append(slice, data[]byte) []byte {
    l := len(slice);

    if l + len(data) > cap(slice) { // reallocate
        // Allocate double what's needed, for future growth.
        newSlice := make([]byte, (l+len(data))*2);

        // Copy data (could use bytes.Copy()).
        for i, c := range slice {
            newSlice[i] = c

        slice = newSlice;

    slice = slice[0:l+len(data)];

    for i, c := range data {
        slice[l+i] = c

    return slice;

func get_page(url string) string {
    // http.Get doesn't work well without a slash at the end
    url = url + "/";
    var content []byte;
    var buf [65535]byte;

    resp, _, e := http.Get(url);
    if e != nil {

    for true {
        rlen, e := resp.Body.Read(buf[0:len(buf)]);
        if e == os.EOF {
        else if e != nil {
        content = Append(content, buf[0:rlen]);

    return bytes.NewBuffer(content).String();

func get_urls(page *string) []string {
    link_re, _ := regexp.Compile(`http://[^ <>"'()]+`);
    return link_re.AllMatchesString(*page, 0);

func check_url(url string) int {
    url = strings.TrimSpace(url);
    // using GET instead of HEAD, since Go has a Get function
    // and we just need the response code
    resp, _, e := http.Get(url);
    if e != nil {
        return 0;
    return resp.StatusCode;

func main() {
    // parse command line arguments
    isVerbose := flag.Bool("v", false, "Display processed URLs");
    if flag.NArg() < 1 {
        fmt.Println("Usage: checkurls [-v] URL");
    checkedUrl := flag.Arg(0);

    fmt.Printf("Searching for URLs [%s]\n", checkedUrl);

    codes := make(map[int]*vector.StringVector);
    page := get_page(checkedUrl);
    urls := get_urls(&page);

    fmt.Printf("Checking %d URLs...\n", len(urls));

    for i := 0; i < len(urls); i++ {
        code := check_url(urls[i]);
        // if code wasn't seen before, create a vector for it in codes
        if _, ok := codes[code]; !ok {
            codes[code] = vector.NewStringVector(0);
        if *isVerbose {
            fmt.Printf("[%3d] %s\n", code, urls[i]);


    for code, links := range codes {
        fmt.Printf("There were %d %ds.\n", links.Len(), code);
        if 399 < code && code < 500 {
            for i := 0; i < links.Len(); i++ {
                fmt.Printf("* %s\n", links.At(i));