Marvin3 is launched

Marvin3 is a new cross-platform stack-based language developed in Python. Marvin3 features object-oriented-programming, anonymous routines, eager lists, variables, lexical scope, combinators and support for modules.

This is from my Marvin3 project home. Marvin has evolved into Marvin3 and is becoming ready to be tried by the audience. In order to make it better known, and because it is free software, I requested a SourceForge account yesterday, and to my surprise my request was approved in a couple of hours (while I was led to believe that it would take two days!!!). Well, I am happy for that, and I released Marvin3 0.0.6 which has some way to go; but it is still somewhat usable (or triable???).

This release of Marvin3 includes the interpreter command-line, as well as a GUI called Mice (Marvin3 Interactive Command Environment). If you want to have a look, be sure you have Python 2.4.1 and wxPython 2.6.1 (if you intend to use the Mice GUI). Mice GUI seems to work OK with WinXP (with some quirks) but having problems with GNOME 2.10 (on Ubuntu 5.04). Most probably, this is because of the old version of wxPython shipped with Ubuntu 5.04. Later I will post a Win32 binary release and try to release an Debian/Ubuntu deb. Anyway, you can download Marvin3 0.0.6 from Marvin3 project home. The zip file has a few sample Marvin3 programs (but it is ridiculously few, next release will be serious about this), so you can try them and even tell me your opinions.

That's all folks (for now)...